
皇冠体育app小组访问西班牙,了解 marketing strategies

Two Alfred University faculty accompanied nine students on a trip to Spain, 他们在哪里学的文化, 经济学, and 政治 influence marketing strategies in the major cities of Madrid and Barcelona.

The trip was organized as p艺术 of the “Nationalism and International Marketing” short-term study abroad course taught by 雪莱Freyn, 市场营销副教授 in Alfred University’s College of Business. Freyn和Kerry Kautzman, 西班牙语教授, accompanied five marketing students and three 艺术 students on the trip, 5月13日至23日举行.

“Traveling to Spain to study international marketing offered a unique opportunity for students to understand how cultural and 艺术istic elements influence market dynamics,弗雷恩说. “This trip provided students the ability to see how Spain’s diverse traditions and vibrant 艺术 scene can enrich one’s perspective on global marketing.”

“Alfred's students drafted and presented marketing pitches for feedback after immersing themselves in the cultural and historical contexts that impact the decision-making behind successful product campaigns,考茨曼补充道. “This professional development experience demonstrates that Alfred University students are prepared to compete globally.”

Students p艺术icipating in the trip were marketing 学生Brian Ngatunga, 黄土Cefalu, 和马林·马尔乔内, 和安德鲁·戴维斯, who each graduated from Alfred University in May; and Natalee Marchione, who will be a senior in the fall; Natalee Collins, a sophomore-to-be; 艺术 students 摩根明智 还有谢娜·赫特勒, who will both be sophomores in the fall; 和艾莉·甘布尔, ’23 (B.F.A.),目前是MBA学生.

Students experienced real-world international marketing challenges at the Madrid and Barcelona advertising offices of Agencia Manifiesto, applying their marketing knowledge and gaining valuable feedback on real marketing projects conducted in Spain. 他们被分成两队, 为过去的一个项目提供创造性的简要介绍, 他们有30分钟的时间来构思营销活动的概念. 他们收到了埃斯特·埃雷迪亚的反馈, 我是马德里办事处的总经理, 在PlayStation的圣诞活动中, 和Kelya Ramírez, 我是巴塞罗那办事处的总经理, 在Miravia(阿里巴巴电子商务集团)上进行夏季促销.

弗兰克·亨德里克斯, Podoactiva的主管, a supplier of sm艺术 technology athletic equipment to the Spanish national soccer team, explained marketing for renowned Spanish soccer teams FC Barcelona and Real Madrid. The presentation offered insights into Spain’s obsession with soccer and how the ongoing rivalry between FC Barcelona and Real Madrid is much deeper than the sport itself. 亨德里克斯讨论了球队的历史和政治根源, 提供更清晰、更有洞察力的游戏视角.

Students visited two national parliaments: in Madrid with Member of Parliament Pablo Hispán and journalist Julio Somoano Rodríguez, 在巴塞罗那和吉列姆·芒坦·吉米内斯, 协议代表. Students learned about the history and systems that make up Spanish government. 布兰卡卡米诺, 西班牙税务机构的经济学家和税务稽查员, 提供了对中央政府的洞察, 自治区, 以及地方市政税.

这群人和米格尔一起度过了一个下午Sebastián Gascón, 经济学家和前工业部长, 旅游, 首相萨帕特罗的商务, 了解西班牙作为一个国际产品的品牌. A notable topic from the presentation is Spain’s challenge of generating increased tourism revenue. 他解释说, 例如, 欧洲人通常喜欢海滩, 中国人喜欢购物, 而美国人更喜欢体验和文化.

参观阿尔卡莱德埃纳雷斯, 马德里郊外的一个小城市, 为学生提供了更怀旧的文化体验. 下午三点左右到达, 他们观察了小型零售商店, 主要是西班牙品牌广告和少量的美国品牌广告.S./全球品牌广告. The city appeared desolate at first but came alive a few hours later; the students experienced a true Spanish siesta and enjoyed a variety of Tapas.

Students evaluated the marketing and branding used in the three Spanish cities and observed subtle differences in the way many U.S. 全球品牌在那里进行营销.

这群人参观了博物馆(普拉多), 毕加索), 大教堂(圣家堂), 联合国教育, 科学及文化组织(UNESCO)遗产, 和历史遗迹(桂尔公园).

Ngatunga, 谁在五月份获得了市场营销学位, said the trip was valuable because he and fellow students learned directly from marketing professionals from another country.

“教育没有地域界限. 我从未去过欧洲, 西班牙的留学项目是一个很好的介绍,恩加通加评论道. “The trip was valuable from an educational point of view because we learned from the locals. 而不是我们自己去研究, we had great one-on-one interactions and time with local experts in different fields. The learning experience would have been very different if it was not locally driven.”

Ngatunga, 坦桑尼亚人, 非洲, said the trip was also enjoyable from the standpoint of learning about a culture different from his own and from that he experienced as a student in the United States.

“Unlike in the United States where I am easily identified as an international student, 这个项目把我们每个人放在同一条船上, 作为国脚. We had to find ways to navigate and adjust to the unfamiliar culture and environment to be p艺术 of the ecosystem,他解释道. “例如, 我们被介绍到西班牙餐前小吃, 在马德里和巴塞罗那的酒吧和餐馆里最常见的是什么, 小盘子或开胃菜在哪里, 零食, 或者是美味的菜肴. This was a great experience to try new foods and a food-sharing culture. 食物也很棒!”

The trip reflects a focused effort by the College of Business to create intersections by offering students interdisciplinary learning opportunities. 弗琳组织的西班牙之旅, 例如, involved a mix of business and 艺术 students learning about marketing practices and Spanish culture. 类似的, 学院每年组织一次去德国的旅行, 来自不同学科的学生在哪里, 艺术, history—learn about the German automotive industry while also experiencing German culture by visiting 艺术 museums and sites of historical significance.

“This study abroad experience optimized the value of an interdisciplinary approach by integrating studies in Spanish culture and 政治 with its application to global business in Spain,弗雷恩评论道。. 下一个问题...下一步去哪里??”